Welcome to the CFUG Managers Conference Site for
Friday June 20, 2003 held the day before CFUN-03

We would like you to join us for a full day of pre-conference discussions about various topics. 9am - 5:30pm

Topics Include:

  1. Dynamic, Engaging Presentations Success Lab

    Want to become more compelling and creative as a presenter or speaker? Want to deliver a message that will grab your audience's attention, speak their language, playfully provoke new ideas and sustain group attention? Want to generate some laughter, thereby helping others become more receptive to your serious or "bottom line" message?

    Overcome your own presentation/performance fears; ingeniously structure and deliver serious and playful content that "keeps them on the edge" (of their seats); and use relevant, interactive and fun-filled exercises that have an audience engaged and interested in what you have to say or teach!

    Learning Objectives:
    1. How to quickly grab an audience's attention
    2. How to illustrate key concepts through relevant warmup exercises
    3. To present a model and interactive exercises that stimulate sharing, bonding, creative problem-solving, team synergy and fun
    4. How to integrate humor throughout a presentation
    5. How to field audience questions and stimulate large group discussion
    6. Use a dynamic, fun and memorable close

    This success lab will be lead by Mark Gorkin, LICSW, "The Stress Doc", an international speaker, syndicated writer and a "Motivational Humorist" for corporate clients/conferences with the DC Improv Comedy Club. He is also America Online's "Online Psychohumorist" (Keyword: Stress Doc).

  2. What is new at MM

    Well lots, actually. Learn about new products and endeavors from Macromedia as well as how these products reflect the direction Macromedia technology is leading us in and how this impacts the development community at large. Among the new products discussed and demonstrated will be several new tools from DRK 3 and from Firefly - Macromedia's newest rapid development toolbox for building dynamic data driven flash applications.Find out from Simon Horwith, senior consultant at Fig Leaf Software in Washington, DC.

    Simon has been using ColdFusion since version 1.5. He is a Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion and Flash Developer as well as a Macromedia Certified Instructor.

    In addition to administering the CFDJ-List talk list and regularly presenting at user groups and conferences, Simon is a contributing author to Professional ColdFusion 5.0 (WROX) and ColdFusion MX-The Complete Reference (McGraw-Hill), as well as technical editor of The ColdFusion 5.0 Certification Study Guide (Syngress).                           Presentation

  3. Leadership skills

    Organizational Leadership Boot Camp
    Do you wish that your position came with a user manual? You have undertaken the substantial responsibility of heading your chapter and its succeed largely depends on your leadership skills. This educational, dynamic workshop will help you become more comfortable in your leader hat. Learn how to:

    - Cultivate the skills essential to successfully leading your organization
    - Maximize chapter attendance, membership and participation
    - Attain feedback, support and buy-in from members
    - Organize interesting, memorable, dynamic events
    - Involve other members in leadership roles

    Success Coach Margarita Rozenfeld works with visionaries, movers and shakers to create a BIG Picture vision and a roadmap to success. Among her clients are entrepreneurs, executives, artists, and coaches. Margarita is the founder of YES!Circle, a networking and education organization for entrepreneurs.

    In less then a year Margarita transformed YES!Circle from a small support group to a leading entrepreneurial organization in the D.C. area. Margarita’s uniquely integrated educational, corporate and coaching experience enables Margarita to work with a diverse, multicultural clientele. She speaks, trains and facilitates organizational meetings and retreats and leads workshops on personal, professional and organizational development.

  4. Marketing Your Group

    Acquiring and retaining members is a challenge for all of us. Learn innovative (and mostly free!) ways to attract new members - and keep them coming back. This session will demonstrate how to add value for your members, how to get your members to volunteer more often, how to expand membership, and how to do it all without increasing the amount of effort on your part.

    Lisa Heselton will explain. Lisa has been marketing products and services since she was five, selling rocks door to door. Since then, she has managed to combine her marketing savvy with her love of technology by developing strategic outreach campaigns and products for large and small IT and production organizations and associations.

    Lisa's diverse background also includes video production, writing, business and artist management, print & Web design/development, and training. By day, she's a contractor at a major Federal agency, developing and promoting their Web-based distance learning products; in her 'off time', she works as an Apple rep, freelances, and manages a Macromedia user group for the Department of Homeland Security. Her personal site,, is expected to launch later this year. You can email her at ([email protected]).

  5. Finding Speakers

    Finding good speaker is always hard. Learn tips to get the best and ways to reward them without using money.

    John Quarto-von Tivadar will tell you how. He is a well-known speaker/writer/strategist on software development issues. John is currently working for FutureNow, giving regular seminars in North America and Europe focused on how business and technology people can better understand each other.

    John is a regular contributor to the popular GrokDotCom newsletter and co-author of the best-selling book "Discovering Fusebox 3".

  6. Common problems workshop

    Learn how your peers solve common CFUG problems in ithis round table workshop.

    Moderated by Bob Siegel. Siegel has been doing fulltime computing work since 1969 and Web work since 1995. He founded the NYPC CFSIG and ran it for several years.

    Much of his work experience touched on promotion, having spent significant time working and/or consulting for NBC, major ad agency Young & Rubicam, Arbitron Ratings Company, and the Advertising Research Foundation.

  7. Using Flash Comm Server to broadcast your meetings

    Several groups have been using Flash comm to broadcast their meetings. Learn how they do it and pick up tips and tricks of this method fom Michael Dinowitz.

    Michael has dedicated the last six years of his life to the ColdFusion community. His accomplishments include: Head of RT&T (Research, Training & TroubleShooting) for House of Fusion / CoreActive; Hosting the high volume CF-Talk list (as well as others) out of House of Fusion (; Publishing the Fusion Authority weekly news alert (

    He has written many articles for the above magazine as well as many others, co-authored the best selling CF web application construction kits and more. Whether it's researching the lowest levels of ColdFusion functionality or presenting to an audience, Michael's passion for the language is clear to see. There are few evangelists as dedicated to the spread of the language and the strengthening of the community.

  8. Networking and getting to know the rest of MMUG

    Network with your peers over a beer. This has been a great way to make new friends and see the face behind the email. I have even found future speakers too.